
Miranda Bryant of Bryant Growth Coaching Headshot with pink blouse and black blazer expanded U.jpg

Hi, I’m Miranda Bryant (she/her), a professional leadership and lifestyle coach and the founder of Bryant Growth Coaching (BGC).

I’m committed to helping you exit out of your middle-age “stuck” zone into a life of confidence, ease, and satisfaction. 

I’ve lived a big life. In my 20s and early 30s I excelled at being a local newspaper reporter, carrying a police scanner so I could beat the firefighters and the cops to the scene (while simultaneously loading an analog camera with film and driving a stick shift!). When that became boring, I quit and joined the Peace Corps. I was 33, had never traveled internationally, and knew no foreign languages. I spent two years in Kazakhstan, learning Russian, carrying out public health projects, and making new friends. It changed my life. Fast forward through a master’s degree in international public health, I spent my 40s working overseas to help women keep their kids safe from malaria and water-born diseases. This began in South Sudan, where I realized my dream of working on the African continent. I made more friends, learned to live off the grid, and survived on stress and adrenaline. Then Papua New Guinea, where I continued to tackle public health problems, learned to scuba dive, and acquired new driving skills to avoid being carjacked. I loved my life. After a brief stint in Myanmar, I moved back to the United States and through a series of unfortunate events, my life came undone. 

By the time I was in my early 50s, I was doggy-paddling full time in the murky waters of “meh.” I could not shake depression and anxiety, even with talk therapy and medication. My health began to deteriorate. And, I entered menopause (the dirty M word that sends fear ripping down one’s spine). Was it coincidental that I no longer identified with my career, the very thing I lived for? Looking back on it, the lesser known effects of menopause were no doubt at play.  Childless by choice and single, I felt I did not have much to work with in crafting a new identity. I asked my employer for additional challenges so that I could make a larger impact and possibly rediscover my vitality. Instead, I was laid off. On an ordinary Friday afternoon, I became one of the middle-aged women that society fears, sidelines, and renders invisible.

But my story is far from finished. You know the saying: A closed door is an opening to a new beginning. I found incredible therapists and coaches who changed my life and helped me rebuild my confidence. I realized I had a thirst to learn new skills and serve women in a more direct fashion. I moved across the United States to escape the gray drizzle of Seattle and to be closer to my born and chosen family. Now a full-time, certified, professional leadership and life coach, I experience joy every day by helping others refresh and repurpose their identity. Through Bryant Growth Coaching (BGC), I am committed to serving you and all my clients with love as you uncover the answers you have within.

As your partner, I will help you identify what you really want and cast off what no longer serves you. We will explore your habits, dreams, fears, and plot your future with love, joy, and fun. Yep, we’re allowed to laugh and celebrate when there are challenges. What is now is not what will always be. Potential, development, and continued personal growth are all here for your taking — even when you are in your middle years, in perimenopause, or in menopause. Choose it all, today!

My goofy corgi, Harry - Miranda Bryant Growth Coaching
Miranda Bryant at Axe-Throwing!
Miranda Bryant Kayaking in Minnesota

working with me

I work with all diversity: individuals of diverse gender identities, and transgender and non-binary individuals.

Feet in slippers on couch - come-as-you-are coaching with Bryant Growth Coaching

One of the beautiful things about working over Zoom is you can come as you are. Me? If it's below 55 degrees outside, I'll be wearing these darling slippers. You may see me drinking a smoothie or some coffee. My sweet pup Harry will definitely be nearby. What will you rock up in?

What People Are Saying About BGC

“I'm nothing if not introspective which, although sometimes insightful, can often lead to overthinking and rumination. Working with Miranda helped me to identify my real priorities, goals, and motivators rather than spinning my wheels. The sessions we have are tailored to my communication style and I love that she will call me out (very kindly) when I seem to be avoiding an important truth (I usually am) that is helpful to confront. Get ready to answer insightful questions, face your blockers, and organize your priorities!”

— Deva B, They/Them

"Miranda's special brand of genius is asking the questions that allow you delve deep into your inner reserves and access your own answers. Working with her has brought me to truths that are propelling my life in very exciting new ways."

— Meghan C, She/Her

— michelle c, she/her

In working with Miranda for the past 3 months, she asked valuable questions to clarify my professional goals as I transitioned from higher education, offered new strategies for building my consultancy practice, and strengthened my advocacy tools for navigating tough conversations with work colleagues and clients. Miranda is direct, intentional, holds you accountable to doing real work, and coaches with authenticity.

— christine v.r.