
1:1 Coaching

Miranda Bryant Growth Coaching Zoom Coaching Call on a Laptop with Tea

Coaching is a construct and partnership that uncovers and brings out your changing potential and turns it into meaningful performance you can monitor and measure (if you would like to). It involves an approach that nourishes and supports you in making a more conscious contribution to your life’s meaning. Coaching does not focus on past failures and mistakes, but on generating alternatives related to the future. The hope is that, with the encouragement of a coach, you may find answers that are unique to you. 

In 1:1 coaching, I will support you as you discover that the answer to your life’s quandaries are within you. They have always been there, waiting for you to truly turn inward and see yourself in a new light. You will develop, grow, and improve as we focus on your future, not on your past failures. You will formulate and reach your goals and make conscious contributions to your life’s meaning. 

Common topics in coaching are midlife opportunities, feeling stuck, change, communications, time management and productivity, motivation, and strategic leadership. Our private and confidential sessions will be conducted over Zoom.

1:1 Coaching with expressive arts

Expressive Arts - Colorful abstract painting by Miranda Bryant of Bryant Growth Coaching

If someone asked you to tell a story about yourself, would you rather draw a picture than use words? Or would you prefer to write a poem or mold clay into a figurine? I am trained in using creative arts in 1:1 coaching to help you see a new perspective. You do not need to be an artist or own a suite of expensive supplies. We can utilize expressive arts in all sessions or just a session. You decide!

The M WOrd

Midlife and Menopause Coach Miranda Bryant of Bryant Growth Coaching celebrating with fun Party Sticks

You want to feel like the badass boss you are, yes? In The M Word group course, you have the opportunity to seize perimenopause and menopause with a positive mindset, boost your confidence, and learn how lifestyle choices affect your symptoms (which go well beyond hot flashes). Over the course of seven weeks, we meet once each week for one hour on Zoom. Every person’s menopause experience is unique and subject to change across time. As such, I do not tell you what to do and I do not expect you to do anything. Instead, you will learn what works well for many others and be allowed to adapt the approaches to your liking. 

And when you want to explore yourself further, book a package of private and confidential sessions with me at Bryant Growth Coaching (BGC).

about coaching

The concept of “coaching” can be confusing.  Are you wondering if I am going to teach you communications skills or how to get along with your mother or how to finally get that raise? Nope, probably not. Instead of doling out advice, I aim to establish a creative partnership with you that allows you to benefit from your own wisdom. By listening deeply to you, asking you well-positioned questions, and on occasion challenging you, I will guide you toward learning more about yourself than you ever imagined. You’ll stop enforcing false beliefs and perceptions and instead plot a hot path to productivity, creativity, positive change, and happiness. For individuals who are genuinely willing to be coached, coaching can be a life-changing experience.

And so while teaching is not a part of the coaching contract, according to the International Coaching Federation, 73% of coaching clients say that coaching led them to a place where they improved their relationships, communication skills (72%), interpersonal skills (71%), work performance (70%), work/life balance (67%), and wellness (63%). (2009 ICF Global Coaching Study). Life coaching also improves health for certain individuals. Coaching improves self-efficacy and self-empowerment, and as a result study participants reported improved health. (BMC Health Services Research). 

I am trained by master coaches in the U.S. and Canada. I ascribe to the principles and ethics of the International Coaching Federation. Chief among these principles are fairness, equality, privacy, and confidentiality.